Starting yesterday we’ve been going on and off the historic Route 66.
Route 66, also called The Mother Road, was the first big road that went across the country (from Chicago to Los Angeles). Through the American West, it was very busy with all sorts of businesses like motels, restaurants and tourist attractions.
Today, none are like they were in it’s golden age. But you can see some historic spots, that are really cool.
My favorite ones were the Wigwan Motel and The Delgadillo’s Snow Cap. At Delgadillo's, I had a tasty cheeseburger and a strawberry shake, made in an old-fashion milk shaker. The place had fun signs everywhere and I liked it.
I spent a big part of Route 66 taking photos, reading the many signs from Burma-Shave telling you not to speed and oops- counting bugs crash into the windows.
Time to get them washed again.
My father had to leave for New York today, and on the way to taking him to get his flight in Las Vegas, we made a stop which he knew I would get excited as I am interested in architecture and how things are built: the massive Hoover Dam.

The structure of the Dam is huge and actually when completed back in 1935, it was the largest concrete structure in the world. Because of its construction and history, the Hoover Dam is a busy site with tourists from all over the world.

On the Colorado River, part of the dam is in Arizona, part in Nevada. We walked across the bridge, and walking, you go from one state to another.

The picture above was taken as we left Hoover Dam. We then drove my father to the airport. As for my mother and I: we have four days in Vegas. Coming up!
Click here for more photos of March 24