After another great breakfast, we made our way to the Manaus Zoo. We spent most of the day there, looking and learning about all the different animals and birds from the Amazon. The bird section of the zoo was huge. We spent quite sometime watching a group of Parrots that could say “Hallo.” We also saw Blue, Yellow and Scarlet Macaws and the beautiful Toucans.
Most cayman stayed underwater, making it difficult to see them. They stood still as a rock so we almost missed them.

We saw black and spotted jaguars, cougars, and wild cats. But I was most excited to see the puma, which we could hear making noise from far. But once we got to it, it was hiding in a cave-type of a building and wouldn’t go out. We waited for a long time and it kept screaming but stayed out of sight. I think it was because it was burning hot outside and the puma had a headache from the sun. Sometimes that happens to me.