We got our luggage together and it was then time to say goodbye, not only to the boat, but also to all the friends I had made there. My favorite friend was a boy who came here with his mother and brothers to meet his father. Supposedly, his father had been working and building a new home for them in Santarem and he had not seen him in 2 years. My mother tried to get an address so we could write to each other and stay in touch but unfortunately his mother didn’t know where they would be living. It was sad to say goodbye but I have a feeling I will see him again. Until then, I will remember him dearly and smiling:

From the boat, we got on a taxi to Alter do Chão, a town about 45 minutes away, on the banks of the Tapajós River. Alter do Chão - Alter of the Earth - it does feel we are close to heaven.