A 66-mile drive north of Manaus, Presidente Figueiredo is famous for its hiking trails and waterfalls. There are more than 100 waterfalls there! All in the middle of the jungle! No wonder people call it ‘Terra de Cachoeiras’ (Land of Waterfalls). Presidente Figueiredo is small when compared to the Amazon region, but we were told it is the size of Holland! Just imagine.

We started off by hiking into the jungle until we reached a few caves. One was really large and had several rooms, making it a perfect house to live in.

Walking through the jungle again, we then came across a series of waterfalls. Each waterfall has a name and you can swim to most of them. To get to a big one was a bit dangerous because the rocks were very slippery with wet moss. Luckily someone in front of us had a rope that he attached to trees and it allowed us to cross the fast running water safely.

I went under the falls with my dad and got to feel the power of the water on my head and back. It was so strong, so refreshing. This was definitely an experience I will never forget.